FAA Identifier: | 77G |
Lat/Long: | 43-18-42.5990N 083-05-27.3130W 43-18.709983N 083-05.455217W 43.3118331,-83.0909203 (estimated) |
Elevation: | 894.9 ft. / 272.8 m (surveyed) |
Variation: | 08W (2010) |
From city: | 1 mile SW of MARLETTE, MI |
Time zone: | UTC -5 (UTC -4 during Daylight Saving Time) |
Zip code: | 48453 |
Airport Operations
Airport use: | Open to the public |
Activation date: | 05/1975 |
Control tower: | no |
NOTAMs facility: | LAN (NOTAM-D service available) |
Attendance: | UNATNDD |
Wind indicator: | lighted |
Segmented circle: | yes |
Lights: | ACTVT PAPI RWY 01, 19, 10, & 28; MIRL RWY 01/19 & 10/28 - CTAF. |
Beacon: | white-green (lighted land airport) Operates sunset to sunrise. |
Airport Communications
CTAF/UNICOM: | 122.8 |
WX AWOS-3P at D95 (17 nm SW): | 134.050 (810-664-5038) |
WX AWOS-3 at CFS (18 nm NW): | 119.275 (989-672-4182) |
Nearby radio navigation aids
VOR radial/distance | | VOR name | | Freq | | Var |
FNTr060/35.4 | | FLINT VORTAC | | 116.90 | | 06W |
Airport Services
Fuel available: | 100LL 100LL:AVBL H24 SELF SVC VIA CREDIT CARD. |
Parking: | hangars and tiedowns |
Runway Information
Runway 10/28
Dimensions: | 3795 x 75 ft. / 1157 x 23 m |
Surface: | asphalt, in fair condition |
Runway edge lights: | medium intensity |
| RUNWAY 10 | | RUNWAY 28 |
Latitude: | 43-18.615670N | | 43-18.621265N |
Longitude: | 083-05.844670W | | 083-04.989263W |
Elevation: | 871.7 ft. | | 879.2 ft. |
Traffic pattern: | left | | left |
Runway heading: | 097 magnetic, 089 true | | 277 magnetic, 269 true |
Markings: | nonprecision, in good condition | | nonprecision, in good condition |
Visual slope indicator: | 2-light PAPI on right (3.00 degrees glide path) | | 2-light PAPI on left (3.00 degrees glide path) |
Touchdown point: | yes, no lights | | yes, no lights |
Obstructions: | none | | 28 ft. tree, 595 ft. from runway, 180 ft. right of centerline, 14:1 slope to clear |
Runway 1/19
Dimensions: | 3500 x 75 ft. / 1067 x 23 m |
Surface: | asphalt, in good condition |
Runway edge lights: | medium intensity |
| RUNWAY 1 | | RUNWAY 19 |
Latitude: | 43-18.521752N | | 43-19.096642N |
Longitude: | 083-05.522795W | | 083-05.470555W |
Elevation: | 870.8 ft. | | 894.9 ft. |
Traffic pattern: | left | | left |
Runway heading: | 012 magnetic, 004 true | | 192 magnetic, 184 true |
Markings: | nonprecision, in good condition | | nonprecision, in good condition |
Visual slope indicator: | 2-light PAPI on left (3.00 degrees glide path) | | 2-light PAPI on left (3.00 degrees glide path) |
Runway end identifier lights: | no | | no |
Touchdown point: | yes, no lights | | yes, no lights |
Obstructions: | none 0-8 FT SEASONAL CROPS, 230 FT DIST. | | 26 ft. tree, 345 ft. from runway, 130 ft. left of centerline, 5:1 slope to clear |
Airport Ownership and Management from official FAA records
Ownership: | Publicly-owned |
Owner: | MARLETTE TOWNSHIP 6725 AIRPORT RD MARLETTE, MI 48453-8210 Phone 989-635-7772 |
Manager: | PHIL ROACH 6725 AIRPORT RD MARLETTE, MI 48453-8210 Phone 810-459-4674 |
Additional Remarks
- | FOR CD CTC CLEVELAND ARTCC AT 440-774-0224/0490. |
Instrument Procedures
NOTE: All procedures below are presented as PDF files. If you need a reader for these files, you should download the free Adobe Reader.NOT FOR NAVIGATION. Please procure official charts for flight. FAA instrument procedures published for use from 20 February 2025 at 0901Z to 20 March 2025 at 0900Z.
IAPs - Instrument Approach Procedures |
RNAV (GPS) RWY 10 | |
download (202KB) |
RNAV (GPS) RWY 19 | |
download (223KB) |
RNAV (GPS) RWY 28 | |
download (209KB) |
NOTE: Special Take-Off Minimums/Departure Procedures apply | |
download (347KB) |
Other nearby airports with instrument procedures:
Y83 - Sandusky City Airport (14 nm NE)
D95 - Dupont/Lapeer Airport (17 nm SW)
KCFS - Tuscola Area Airport (18 nm NW)
KBAX - Huron County Memorial Airport (28 nm N)
D98 - Romeo State Airport (31 nm S)

Road maps at:
Aerial photo |
WARNING: Photo may not be current or correct
Photo courtesy of AirNav, LLC
Photo taken 28-Jul-2011
looking north.
Do you have a better or more recent aerial photo of Marlette Township Airport that you would like to share? If so, please send us your photo.
Sectional chart |
Airport distance calculator |
Sunrise and sunset |
Times for 06-Mar-2025
| | Local (UTC-5) | | Zulu (UTC) |
Morning civil twilight | | 06:33 | | 11:33 |
Sunrise | | 07:01 | | 12:01 |
Sunset | | 18:26 | | 23:26 |
Evening civil twilight | | 18:55 | | 23:55 |
Current date and time |
Zulu (UTC) | 06-Mar-2025 09:12:07 |
Local (UTC-5) | 06-Mar-2025 04:12:07 |
KD95 17nm SW | 060855Z AUTO 28018G32KT 2 1/2SM HZ BKN015 BKN026 OVC050 M03/M06 A2934 RMK AO2 VIS 1/4V5 T10271057
KCFS 18nm NW | 060855Z AUTO 29019G26KT 4SM -SN BKN013 OVC020 M03/M07 A2934 RMK AO2 T10321067
KBAX 29nm N | 060855Z AUTO 29018G25KT 2 1/2SM -SN BKN010 BKN017 OVC030 M04/M05 A2927 RMK AO2 T10361049
KFNT 36nm SW | 060520Z 0606/0706 28020G30KT 6SM -SHSN BKN015 OVC025 FM060700 31025G35KT 5SM -SHSN SCT015 OVC025 TEMPO 0607/0610 1 1/2SM -SN OVC015 FM061000 30025G40KT P6SM BKN025 OVC040 FM061600 30015G35KT P6SM BKN050 FM062100 28019G30KT P6SM SKC FM070200 24008KT P6SM FEW100 SCT250
CYZR 39nm SE | 051940Z 0520/0603 21015G25KT P6SM SCT030 BKN050 TEMPO 0520/0521 5SM -SHRA BR BKN030 PROB30 0520/0521 VRB30G42KT 3SM TSRA BR OVC020CB FM052100 20015G25KT P6SM SCT025 BKN090 TEMPO 0521/0523 P6SM -SHRA BKN025 OVC090 FM052300 20012G22KT 6SM -SHRA BR SCT012 OVC025 TEMPO 0523/0601 3SM -SHRA BR FEW006 OVC012 FM060100 20012G22KT 3SM -RA BR BKN006 OVC012 TEMPO 0601/0603 6SM -RA BR SCT006 OVC012 RMK FCST BASED ON AUTO OBS. NXT FCST BY 060900Z
KPTK 41nm S | 060520Z 0606/0706 28020G30KT 6SM -SHSN BKN015 OVC025 FM060800 31025G35KT 5SM -SHSN SCT015 OVC025 TEMPO 0608/0611 1 1/2SM -SN OVC015 FM061100 30025G40KT P6SM BKN025 OVC040 FM061600 30015G35KT P6SM BKN050 FM062100 28019G30KT P6SM SKC FM070200 24008KT P6SM FEW100 SCT250
KMTC 43nm S | 052000Z 0520/0702 21020G30KT 9999 BKN035 620359 520004 QNH2905INS BECMG 0521/0522 21010G15KT 9999 BKN025 620259 QNH2907INS BECMG 0604/0605 28020G30KT 9999 OVC030 620309 520005 QNH2916INS BECMG 0612/0613 32025G35KT 9999 BKN030 620309 520005 QNH2944INS BECMG 0622/0623 32012KT 9999 SCT050 QNH2970INS TX14/0520Z TNM03/0613Z LAST NO AMDS AFT 0604 NEXT 0612
NOTAMs are issued by the DoD/FAA and will open in a separate window not controlled by AirNav.